Monday, March 26, 2012

Major Update

Here is a message from your best friend, internet darling, buddy, jacka**, evil, and despicable human being.

Happy St.Patrick's Day from two not so sober Americans.

Possible Return?
I've been taking it easy the past month and really enjoying some free time. I'm not going to recap my past month because this edition isn't about that. I've had some fun nights but that could always be brought up at a different time. The fact is that I've weighed up my options lately from work, school, and fun. Despite the increased work load, I'm still finding myself with free time. Then something strange happened in the past two weeks with people continuing to ask me about my blog. My response would be how that I didn't get enough attention and I started to lose interest. Some of them understood while some of them really questioned me. I got into some long conversations about it and people questioned me because they thought I was doing this not only for attention but to actually "enjoy it".  It started to hit me and it made me realize that sometimes blogging became a job. I had a legit schedule with it which wasn't too bright. I'd spend so many hours weekly and making crazy two in the morning obligations. After having these conversations with friends like John Canton, Nick Zav, and even my own brother it had me thinking of where my head was. I'd start pushing things too much and started to do things where I may haven't been that interested. Now believe me most of the things that I wrote, it was really fun. All the sports and music along with comedy sessions were so much fun to do. The work I didn't really enjoy was trying to incorporate everything in the world into one. The motive to try to get women interested was starting to annoy me. Many things were annoying me about the blog including the name. The name of it was called The Personification Of Innovation which had people really questioning it from the start. Despite me constantly defining the term, it wasn't truly making sense. While my style is different, I'm still talking about the same things that everyone in the world is discussing. The word "change" gets tossed around way too much when only few people have really made things change. Our president sadly doesn't fit in that category which is why things are tough these days.

Basically for the past twenty-four hours, I've collected people's opinions and I decided that I'm going to start it up again. I've garnered enough motivation where I don't need to be pressured. I'm going to do this under my own schedule where it will be only one topic. The entire format will change where I'll discuss many different things into one. I'll still do that from time to time but I'm looking to just do big columns on things. Eventually things will change but right now I'm going to bring new things but keep some old parts to the old blog. Everything will be the same except the fact that I won't be obligated to explain things. I'm not going to have to go on long pointless rants about things that I'm just forcing in because it's popular. Other than that, I'll be the same creative, loud mouth, obnoxious blogger that you've known to love (or hate?). The scheduling will be likely just one or two times a week but don't rule out three times a week either. It could all vary but basically I want to give you the best work possible. It sounds corny but I'll admit sometimes I would type half asleep. I'll still have to do that at times, but I'm going to be comfortable doing it. You will get your usual dose of sports, music, and stupidity all into one. I'll just be story telling more because I'm very effective doing it. I'll look to apply my actual reactions into things that I actually watch. It might make things into more of a diary but that's how it will be better. I'm aware that I'm trying to be a writer in my life and I'll have to report things. I'm still going to continue that and give you valid information, but I'll still give you more of a initial reaction and bring more humor into editions. It makes things more original than formulaic. I'm not trying to totally exclude women because I have women in my life that do care about me and want to read what I have to offer. I do realize they don't have much interest since I'm so sports heavy. It will be a constant war but at this point, I'm not trying to impress every different type of person. If you want to hear a column about Drake or Jay-Z, sorry that's just not me. I'll have life experiences to discuss in columns that will excite you but it will be at different times. I'm not scheduling for future projects right now because anything can happen.

The name of the blog is going to be different but I'm not announcing it. I'm not going to tell anyone until my first column which will be in a few days. I was going to wait until April 3rd but I realized that the column will be far too long for everyone to read. My first edition to the new blog will be broken down into three weekends. It will be called "The March Madness Experience" which will be from the college basketball tournament now. With so much to cover from the tournament and being so into it, I want to discuss the entire tournament into one big thing. Instead I'll break it down because I'm going to talk about so much from each day. The emotion that I show watching basketball games that involve trying to win major cash is insane. I'm usually against gambling and I never gamble on sports except college basketball because it makes things more fun. It does take the joy out of a bit because it could be a fantastic game like North Carolina and Kansas today. Instead you are rooting for one team because you picked them. It ruins the fun but I'm still supportive to people who do the pools and invite me into them. The same goes for fantasy football otherwise no gambling for me. My first column should be ready to go by Wednesday which will discuss the first two rounds from Thursday to Sunday. I didn't watch the play in games because they didn't catch my interest. I'll be discussing the first four days and everything that went on. The high points and low points of the first four days along with where I was watching it. It should be fun regardless if you're a fan because I watched it in some random areas. Then on Monday which will be April 2nd, I'll post about the Sweet Sixteen and Elite Eight games. The reason I'm waiting until Monday is because I have two tests on Friday. Also I don't have a huge following so posting on a weekend won't be smart for people to find out that it was posted. Then on April 3rd which is my birthday, I'll be posting the final four and final edition to finish off the wild March Madness experience watching it from different places in New York. I know a few people are shocked that I'm not going to cover WrestleMania in a huge column, but I'll discuss a bit. If you want to read a full live recap, go follow @JohnReport on twitter or go on and see the brilliance from him. That guy is a good friend of mine and really inspired me to bring it back. I'll bring it up my thoughts once the PPV is over, but I'm not going to crazy recapping from my friend's house. I'm probably going to a PPV in June called No Way Out in Jersey so that will be my huge column. I went to Survivor Series at the Garden in November which was insane so I'm really looking forward to it. Many cool things are going up so I'm looking forward to it. The weather is nice again so things are starting to get more positive. I'll admit I was pretty miserable at the beginning of 2012 but now things are starting to get better. I'm not getting fully into it now but eventually I will. Anyway stay tuned for Wednesday as I will be debuting the beginning of the..well you will have to wait and see. If you have read in the past, well hopefully you continue to read and we can always chat about what I put out. Hopefully with me talking more in depth about things, I'll incorporate more people into the blogs. I know that will make happy and I always want to include friends.  If you haven't read from the past, well here's the link from my old blog.



Twitter: @AllenOutraged


Old Blog:

Feel free to leave a comment below or contact me on any of those links above.

Just a couple mofos hanging out

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