Friday, June 1, 2012

Playoff Playout Part 5

How is everyone doing on this Friday? It has been a pretty strange week with a lot of varies. I've had crazy nightmares lately that has revolved on nightmares of women screaming, people going to the hospital, and lots of violence. I literally had to take two advils on Wednesday morning to properly wake up then I had to go watch Big Daddy to cheer me up. I'm not sure what's getting to me lately but that was cured by Wednesday night Heat overtime win. I also got to hang out with my long time buddy John. We have been friends since we were one and always stayed in touch. He's a huge Knicks fan but he's not one of the usual bias and ignorant Knick fans. The guy knows and loves the game of basketball so that makes him someone that I can watch a game with and enjoy it. Summer is finally here as well so life is getting fun again. I actually went to the beach Tuesday even though it took three hours to get there. It was a painful ride there to get there with traffic and just complete nonsense but I finally got there. The water was freezing but since I can get used to it, it was fine. I never understood people that went to the beach but never went in the water. If you want to tan then I can get that, but the water is there! Nothing really makes sense these days with the new trends, so I just go my separate ways and do somersaults in the high waves of Jones Beach.

This is the last issue before the Euro Cup will be taking over the blogs. Soccer fans will absolutely love me and soccer bashers (most people I know) will hate me. The Euro Cup is only for a month so don't worry people, the evil sport in Europe will go away after July 1st. Then we can get back to good American sports like football. What I find interesting is that July is a dull month for sports. I'm not sure if I made this vocal, but its pretty clear that I don't care about baseball. I'll go to a Mets game once in a while and I do own a fantasy team but other than that, baseball doesn't appeal to me. I'm not going to rip on the sport but it just never appealed to me. I'm not going to talk about baseball unless a major scandal comes out like when Manny Ramirez got caught with steroids. I've always liked Ramirez so it was pretty wild when the news came out. Baseball has become such a scandal filled game that is far too long for a season so it doesn't excite me. The same goes for hockey even though I find that even more irrelevant. When do you ever hear about hockey in the regular season? It only took a bandwagon of Ranger fans to start going crazy. I'm pretty critical of hockey and I don't mind it because there is absolutely zero attention of hockey in regular season. Baseball has their moments at least that covers headlines like Josh Hamilton hitting four home runs or a no hitter by Justin Verlander. You can't call baseball irrelevant which is why I have respect for it because it attracts people. I just don't take hockey seriously because people don't care about it in regular season. I live in New York so if their Canadian readers out there, I'm not trying to completely rip hockey. The sport is hard hitting and intense so you have to respect it but the fact is that worldwide hockey isn't really relevant. Canada is still awesome though so don't take it to the heart that I'm not a hockey fan. You have great legends like Chris Jericho, George St.Pierre, Edge, Rory McDonald, Christian, Bret Hart, Owen Hart and Steve Nash to name guys in sports that I love that are huge in your country. Canada may have some strange things, but I'll always love Canada and would love to visit there again.

Today's topic will be the usual Friday playoff talk. It comes at an awkward time with the Western Conference being at 3 games while the Eastern Conference only being at 2 games. It's nothing major but certainly the Western Conference is shaping out to be pretty predictable while the Eastern Conference still has some uncertainty to it. I'm also going to talk about Peter Lugers which is considered the best steakhouse in New York. It sounds a bit lame that I'm talking about a restaurant but it's an incredible place. Also I do want to get into some wrestling since a lot of things are going on. The roster keeps getting thinner by the day with a huge suspension a few days ago. I'm going to No Way Out PPV in few weeks and I think it's going to be the worst PPV of the year. I hope you enjoy my 65 dollars Vince McMahon, you crazy old man. This is the last soccer free edition for a while, enjoy it haters!

Conference Playoffs
This picture can say so many things. Take a crack at it!

1. Spurs vs 2. Thunder-  I'm a bit disappointed from the series so far from a late game point of view. I'm still waiting for a close game late in the game with Kevin Durant hitting another 22 foot jumper or Tony Parker getting past two defenders again for the win. So far the series has been mostly one team controlling the game. I missed the first half of Game 2 because Peter Lugers is classy and doesn't have any TV's. I tuned into most of the 2nd half and it was nice to see the Thunder come back. James Harden was on fire which makes the Thunder really tough to stop. The strange part about Harden was that he only attempted one three which is very positive for him because he looked more aggressive. The big three for the Thunder played well through out the game with Durant scoring 31 points and Westbrook scoring 27 points. The issue was that the big three scored 88 of the 111 points which sounds great but they simply didn't show up defensively. Spurs were scoring on all cylinders even though Tim Duncan shot only 2 for 11. Tony Parker was once again the catalyst with 34 points and 8 assists shooting at a scary rate. He missed only five shots the entire night and looked to be in complete control the entire night. He always had the speed to get past any defender but his court vision has improved so much that he's becoming the main guy that teams need to stop to beat the Spurs. They may be balanced but it all runs through Tony Parker. Kawai Leonard had a breakout game with 18 points and Manu Ginobili had another strong game with 20 points. The Spurs can get production from anyone in their ten man rotation despite a poor defensive game. They took charge of the game early and got after the Thunder's lackluster play. It wasn't until the end when the Thunder started passing more and finally going to the hoop. It was too late and people were starting to rule the Spurs unstoppable. 

That all ended last night with my team that I picked to win the title finally stepping up. The 2nd half separated both teams with the Thunder having a 15 point advantage. The two main factors to the game was the Spurs shooting 39 percent and 21 turnovers. That was a huge problem through out the night with nobody really breaking out. Tony Parker had a decent game with 16 points but other than that, nobody on the Spurs got going. Tim Duncan had another rough night with 11 points on 5 for 15 shooting. My theory that Ibaka will give him serious problems defensively is proving right so far which doesn't surprise me. Duncan doesn't have the explosiveness anymore like everyone knows but now he can't even outsmart a much more athletic Ibaka. It was a bit odd to see Leonard only play 15 minutes after a break out game but Popovich can be random with his players. Stephen Jackson had a decent game but it was mostly over when he actually got going. Overall the Spurs just played a really sloppy game with nothing clicking and being completely overwhelmed by the home crowd. The Thunder didn't exactly light it up but they won the right way which is playing tough defense and picking their spots. Durant had a solid game with 22 points while both men had three blocks each protecting the paint to protection. The big story was how Thabo Sefolosha really broke out with 19 points and canceling out Manu Ginobili through out the game. Sefolosha has always been underrated by hitting open shots and playing terrific defense every night. If they can get more production from him that will be huge since the Spurs rotation is huge. It wasn't a terrific offensive game but the Thunder won a tough game by taking advantage of the Spurs turnovers and making the most from their great defensive efforts. The home crowd was rowdy which is always a boost for any team that is down 2-0 in the series and has their back against the wall. This was a huge momentum swing because going down 3-0 usually breaks the series from intrigue about who will win the series.

Future Of The Series-  I'm not sure what to expect going forward because the Thunder seem to be back to there winning ways. That being said, I would be shocked if they win this series. The Spurs just seem so complete even without Duncan playing very well. They have their role players that can break out and Popovich's coaching is so huge. He has been ruled as the best coach ever which is pretty extreme but I could see it. The Spurs have always been in contention or at least in the playoffs ever since 1999 which really says something. They have a coaching advantage and the bench is clearly better. I'm sure the Spurs will shake this off and go back to playing disciplined basketball. I still have hope for the Thunder to continue to play better and not settle for long difficult jump shots. It doesn't seem likely that the Thunder can win this series but the Game 3 win gives hope. Westbrook has to play better because he's been very wild with his shot selection so far in the series. He's been outplayed by Parker by a huge margin. A loss in Game 4 makes things extremely difficult going back to San Antonio. I'm leaning towards the Spurs to winning the Series in five games but I still have faith in the Thunder to possibly winning in 7. Both teams need to start playing discipline because it seems like one team takes control defensively for a long period of time and thats the difference of the game. A close game that goes to the final seconds would be nice and could possibly happen next game but right now I see the Spurs still controlling the game into their half court set and moving the ball better than the Thunder to win a huge Game 4 then wrapping it up in Game 5. They are becoming too lethal in every aspect of the game to be defeated by a team with no inside scorer and a team that gets frustrated too easily when shots aren't falling.

2. Heat vs 4. Celtics-  The series really picked up on Wednesday night but to not much surprise, the Heat are up 2-0. I knew that Boston would make games close and nerve racking near the end but I had no idea that Rajon Rondo would develop a jumper that exceeds longer than the free throw line. I'll get into Game 2 soon but Game 1 was pretty one sided. Boston simply could't score other than Kevin Garnett who made the most out of his mis match against Shane Battier. Garnett had 23 points and 10 rebounds with a solid 9 for 16 shooting from the field which is a stat line that Boston will need on a nightly basis to beat the Heat. Paul Pierce and Ray Allen combined to shoot 6-25 from the field despite having some decent looks thanks to Rondo's passing. They simply couldn't hit their outside shots and when they tried to drive, it was a wild shot that the Heat easily covered. Rajon Rondo tried to get things going but he ended up shooting just 8 for 20 with five of his shots being blocked. Boston looked tired which wasn't a surprise considering they played in a Game 7 Saturday against Philadelphia. Miami didn't have a great game offensively by shooting a horrendous 5 for 25 from the three point line. It was shocking to see Miami dominate Boston in two areas that Miami isn't known for. They out rebounded the Celtics by 15 and blocked 11 shots compared to Boston's one. They may be undersized but Miami continues to prove that they can win without having any true center. LeBron James continued his playoff form with 32 points and 13 rebounds that seemed so effortless. He controlled the game for the most part with Dwayne Wade not really getting involved in the first half. Eventually in the 3rd quarter when Miami once again dominated by outscoring Boston by 11, it was Wade that got going the most. It was the 4th straight game where Miami broke the game open with a huge third quarter performance. It has been a common theme in the playoffs and it led to a comfortable win for Miami. It wasn't a game where many players shined due to the scrappy play but Miami was more efficient offensively and they won the rebound battle which always benefits a team like the Heat because they can get on the fast break in a second with their players.

Game 2 was probably the game of the year so far. I know there has been plenty of great games this year but I've never seen people go crazy on twitter about a game. It may seem a bit bias but since I've been covering all the playoffs this year and nothing has really stood out to me than this game. The way that Boston came out in the first half shooting 60 percent and controlling the game. Miami was struggling just to keep it within a ten point distance. Rajon Rondo completely took over the first half with 24 points and doing what a point guard is supposed to do when his team needs a lift. He got the ball in his hands on just about every possession and was fearless in his decision making. He would run the pick and roll to perfection to hit his mid range jumper or he would pass it to an open man for an easy bucket. Rondo was making it his court to the point where Miami was down by 15. Shockingly enough Miami got back into the game thanks to Mario Chalmers. I've always supported Chalmers and talked about how underrated he is. With Dwayne Wade struggling with his shot and LeBron James facing constant double teams, Chalmers started to find his stroke from the three point line and even started to hit a few threes. He reignited Miami with his performance in the first half which cut the deficit down to 7. The 3rd quarter started and my buddy John called it that Miami would have a big quarter. It turned out it was the 5th straight game that Miami dominated the 3rd quarter. They outscored Boston by 13 points in the 3rd quarter with Dwayne Wade finally coming alive. He started to get to the hoop and Boston had problems containing. Then he would go to the mid range form in the only smooth way that Dwayne Wade can do. The arena was finally getting loud with the comeback as the worst fan base in the playoffs finally made noise (Miami's crowd is horrible and I fully admit that). Paul Pierce started to take some bad shots and was becoming a cancer to Boston's flowing offense led by Rondo. Eventually Boston got in their groove in the 4th quarter with Rondo taking control of the game again. He was not being stopped getting to the lane and was giving Miami serious problems. LeBron James wasn't himself in this game shooting 7 for 20 and he couldn't get his jumper going at all. He was having problems getting into the lane which led to Mario Chalmers making more plays. Chalmers scored 22 points filling the void because without him, Miami gets blown out in the first half with both major stars struggling to score. Eventually the game went into overtime with LeBron James missing the game winner. I couldn't help but laugh and yell at the same time. He has his opportunity to finally shut people up and he misses a really good look inside the arc. I'm on my knees at this point but I'm confident because Paul Pierce fouled out and Kevin Garnett was really struggling from the field going 5-18. I was pretty confident that Miami would take control instead it was LeBron James refusing to take a jump shot (another prediction John got right) and Ray Allen finally running out of gas. Allen had only 13 points but when he scored, it came at the right times. Allen sent it to overtime with a three pointer when LeBron didn't rotate to the right man (so frustrating). It became a battle with Rajon Rondo and Dwayne Wade but eventually Wade got some help. Another role player that stepped up was Udonis Haslem who is another role player that I'm very loyal to. Haslem had 13 points hitting some huge mid range shots that he finally rediscovered after struggling all season. Wade and Haslem seemed to work the offense between themselves in the end with LeBron James being a decoy. It was a bit odd but it got Miami to win. Kevin Garnett took an awful three at the end which really cost Boston despite Rajon Rondo hitting two three pointers at the end to make things interesting. Wade needed to hit a few three throws to end the game.

Game 2 was an instant classic and a game that will be remembered. I've read everything about the game as usual and people were claiming it was a 8-5 game in favor of the Heat with the refs. Honestly other than the questionable no call on Rondo's drive with Wade whacking him on the head, what other girls were there? Nothing stood out to me and Rondo already had the shot up, so it didn't really affect them. I know when the Heat are getting a bit of an advantage like against the Knicks in Game 1, but seriously it was just a great game last night. Other than Rondo and Allen, who played well for Boston? Pierce played great in the first half but he faded away with terrible jump shots and fouling. Garnett was a non factor and seemed to try far too hard on certain plays. Miami actually hit ten three pointers and got contributions from many players. Shane Battier hit a few threes at the end which were huge while Mike Miller made some timely plays. I've already mentioned how crucial Chalmers and Haslem were in the game for their contributions. Miami shockingly played more like a team while Boston was pretty much a one man show. Boston remains a threat though but Miami deserved that win for making more plays. They need to improve on their free throw shooting because missing 16 free throws in a playoff game is inexcusable.

Future Of The Series-  I'm sticking with Miami taking the series in five. Boston looks to be a threat and they'll definitely win a home game at some point. The issue with Boston is that they need to get back to playing team basketball. That's how Indiana was having success with them along with shutting down Dwayne Wade of course. Boston has hope though and I think they'll come out with a lot of fire tonight. It wouldn't surprise me if they won tonight but Miami is too good not to win on the road. If they can continue shooting from the three point line like they did in Game 2 and actually hit free throws consistently, they should be able to take care of Boston. The series is still going to be a war but Boston's lack of depth and Miami finally playing more like a team will be the difference.

Peter Lugers Is Legit
I'm not too crazy about going to specific restaurants. I'm a pretty laid back guy when it comes to going to places. The last thing I'll be doing is going to places and seeing this is the next restaurant we have to go to. So this came out of the blue even though my brother always knew about this place. My brother took his best friend and I out for dinner because we were such great people at the wedding for helping out. It turns out he took us to the best steak house in New York according to people, which made me even more excited. We get in the place for a quick drink and since I got a pretty sweet beard at the moment, they don't bother to I.D me. The place looks like a bar in Ireland with literally old men in bow ties being the bar tender and the place being pretty quiet. It wasn't that loud and it was super fancy. Then when you look on the wall, you see a wall of plaques that show how much awards they won. The place was pretty surreal and it got even more crazier when they had German beer on tap. That's impressive because not many places have those kind of options and any person that have any sort of intelligence when it comes to good beer, they know German beer rules. I can't exactly remember it but it was very filling for the twenty minute wait. You need to make reservations though because this place is packed with bookings because it's so good. I'm looking around and I'm getting the feeling that this is the place where a man wants to live in. Even with the hefty prices, the portions were huge. The place was just filled with meat that had my eyes glued to what was going on. The appetizers were pretty limited so we just went with this one huge strip of bacon for each person. You cut the bacon into six slices and you eat it with a fork. It felt like a huge piece of sausage but even better.

A real man's restaurant 

Before you go to this place or continue reading on, you need to go to this place with an empty stomach otherwise you will puke. The place is made to fill you up with the greatest steak and other side orders in the world. They really base it off German sources with the fries and sliced potatoes all from German which is delicious. Since I'm Croatian and they really consider Germany like a brother to them, I take great exception on how they base it off the Germans and it makes it really unique. Finally the steak came to the table and it completed the night. I'm not going to get into the extent of how good it tasted but the fact is that it was the best steak I ever had. You don't need ketchup or any steak sauce, it's so good that you don't need a damn thing except a fork and a major appetite. I love to eat so it didn't take much effort to finish the steak. I ate like a maniac that would scare off many people but with two guys around me, who gives a damn right? It was the perfect meal after a pretty awful beach day with my lunch consisting of chips and Pepsi. I'm not trying to make this into a review of the place because all you have to do is google Peter Lugers and read the reviews. I don't think that is needed though because of all the accolades and achievements that the place has. If you love steak, you need to go to this place before you die. The place is expensive but the quality exceeds everything that you have ever eaten. With all the steak and German beer, it made me feel like a legit king. The place is absolutely terrific and you will never forget your experience there when you go. If you don't believe me, well google this restaurant and see for yourself on the reviews. You won't be let down as long as you properly know how to do a number two in your toilet after the humungous meal.

Roster Concerns
You are in trouble Mr. Randall Keith Orton. 

The past month in the world of wrestling has been extremely odd. That's not too many people's surpass because there is always something odd going on. This isn't in a good way though because another huge star has been suspended. Last week I talked about how Chris Jericho was suspended and how its still utterly ridiculous to me (still is!). Now another suspension has struck and it involves Randy Orton. Orton apparently failed a drug test and is now out for sixty days which is really sad news. This is Orton's second offense with drugs (he's been suspended three times but one was disciplinary) which makes it 60 days. For people that don't know Orton that well, he was a major head case from 2003 to 2007 and really immature. He changed in 2008 when he got married and had his first child. Now Orton has become a respected leader in the locker room and his performance has hit another level. He's always been very talented in the ring but in 2009 is when he really turned it up. I'm a huge Orton fan and actually bought his DVD because he's always been one of my favorites but this is horrible news. Ever since last summer, Orton has lost his star power a bit with CM Punk taking the company by storm and becoming a mega star. Sheamus has recently started to get a huge push to the point where he's becoming the man on Smackdown. Everyone seems high on Sheamus along with myself and it also helps that he's big. Everyone that watches the product knows that Vince McMahon loves his big guys. Why do you think guys like Ryback and Brodus Clay are getting undefeated streaks. Orton has been a disaster in 2012 for the most part with two injuries and now the 60 day suspension. It wouldn't surprise me if he starts losing trust within the company even though he'll always get his title reigns and be around the top but his time is slipping in being the actual main event spot. He's been really unreliable and he's not a very good talker as a face but his performances as a baby face have been incredible. People can rip him for destroying Christian, but their feud in the summer still produced some really memorable matches. I hope Orton shakes this off because if he gets caught one more time, he'll be main eventing with Sting in a year or so (TNA jokes are so easy). They are very strict with suspensions regardless of how big you are within the top guys in the company. One last note is that Orton isn't turning heel any time soon because of the overload of great heels on the roster. Unless you see a few faces step up to grasp the main event level or if a few heels turn face, you'll see Orton carry the load in the face department that is sorely lacking. I could be wrong (it wouldn't be first time) but Orton needs to start being clean and staying off the disabled list because he's highly depended on for both shows because their aren't many people on the roster that can get a reaction like the viper can. 

Orton now adds to a list of Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho on the suspension list. It really shocks me to see three guys that are so respected and talented being suspended. Rey Mysterio is in the same boat as Orton serving his second suspension due to failing a drug test. Mysterio is a huge star with his merchandise being among the highest in the company and his exciting style. With those three guys out and Wade Barrett being injured, the roster is looking thin. It seemed like the beginning of 2012 that the company was really hitting its stride and had loads of great talent on the roster. The issue is now these guys can't stay out of trouble or stay healthy. It also doesn't help how poorly they book heels like Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler. I'm aware that May is usually the worst month of wrestling so I'm trying to look past it. I'm pretty sure will have another month thats pretty bad but when Money In The Bank comes around, things will get better. We will hopefully see the best young stars finally get the briefcase to get their moment. Brock Lesnar will eventually come back and will get people's attention again. For people that are doubting Brock's return to WWE, look no further than the numbers. Extreme Rules gained 60,000 more PPV guys in 2012 than 2011 which proves that he can draw a huge crowd. It may be a bit painful to watch Raw right now and Smackdown (not many people do, I watch it Saturday morning at 9 am because I love actual wrestling and that show gives the goods). I'm excited for the summer because the summer usually gives some awesome story lines. We've seen Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho in 2008, CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy in 2009, Nexus taking over the company in 2010 (it ended poorly but the buzz was there), and the summer of CM Punk was last year. All those feuds or story lines were really special for the most part. Last summer their were moments where I literally would stay home and watch Raw because of how special that Punk storyline was (I'm a nerd sometimes). I'm not expecting to do that this summer because WWE doesn't have the balls to do another storyline that had such a real feeling to it and so much unpredictability with Punk's mouth saying things that no other man would say. I'm just hoping for some great feuds and Brock Lesnar destroying things. Let's be patient people before you want to rip on everything. At least we don't have to deal with Brooke Hogan weekly (TNA joke again, too easy). Just for the record, I don't hate TNA but its just too easy to rip them on things. If they used great talent like Samoa Joe properly, I would actually type two paragraphs on how awesome the show was. They did go live at least so there is hope for TNA. I'll tune in sometimes otherwise I'll just watch it on youtube the next morning. I love You Tube and abusing the living hell out of them. I think wrestling in general will step up this summer because with the nice weather, people won't be sitting around to watch a product that's average. They need to make feuds and segments must watch to get people's attention which WWE has mastered for the most part in the past four years.

 Final Word/Plugs
I thought this was going to be short but it turned out to be huge. Even with only four teams left, I still manage to talk a lot of basketball. I won't be back till Wednesday and it will be an all Euro Cup preview with basketball at the end. For all the soccer fans that know I'm a fan and they've been waiting for me to actually talk about soccer, I'll be going all out the next month. You'll have to cope with basketball though because basketball is always over soccer in my book. It also helps that the Heat are title contenders while Croatia will be lucky to make it to the quarterfinals. Wednesday is going to be super long so be prepared to read even if means you have to take a break and read it later. I'm covering every team and making every prediction for the Euro Cup to get one winner out of sixteen teams. Until then I'm going to enjoy my weekend and pray no Croatians get injured in there friendly on Saturday against Norway. I wish you all a great weekend and thanks for reading.

Twitter: @AllenOutraged


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