Wednesday, May 16, 2012

College Rebound

This is another hard hitting (well that sounds lame), controversial (not really) well its another edition of The Uncommon One. The blog is ready to go for another Wednesday to talk about topics that may be common but thoughts that are uncommon. If you know me, I'm not a very common man whatsoever. I don't smoke, don't got to clubs, and don't listen to Lil Wayne or Drake every single hour of the day. That may sound a little weak but I'm different let's put it that way even though I'm always up to talk about things that are common. That's how you garner people's attention but its being unique about the common topics that has people talking. Wednesday is usually the day when things can drift away from sports. We all know that this is mostly a sports blog but I usually try to incorporate some pop culture into it. Before I get into the blog, I'm only going to discuss this quickly.

My brother got married Saturday like I've been telling you in the past few weeks. I've been pretty pessimistic about it but I was completely wrong. It was a surreal experience with so much good memories. I'm not going to get all cheesy and corny but it was incredible just to be at the altar with my brother. Then the reception of the wedding was great seeing cousins I haven't seen in years. Out of the four people that were in the groom, I was the only one without a script to do a speech. It was just speaking from the heart unlike the others who either had notes or three paragraphs of words to say. All I did was take the microphone and spoke from the heart which is always the best thing to do that. I felt like I was inducting someone to the Hall Of Fame while doing it but obviously that wasn't the case. The wedding was incredible though and it was really heart warming just to see everyone together. When I was laying in my bed around four in the morning, I realized that I shouldn't be so down on things. I'm happy that I enjoyed it and didn't let something that has been in the back of my mind haunt me. Its all about being patient and picking your spot which is what my brother did with Amanda. I'm not letting it haunt me but its something that I haven't forgot about that Ill make clear when it happens. The moral of the wedding was to remind me to always have fun at any occasion like this and don't get annoyed by a few things that get in your way. My brother is my best friend for life without a doubt and I only took one picture from my phone at the wedding. I'll post it below and get into today's blog but I just want to say how much of an honor it was to be a best man and how fun the wedding was.

Bad news brothers

College Recollection
I'm sure some people have finished by now while others like me still have plenty of finals to go through. With many things coming up soon, I want to discuss college and bring up how my first year went. It was a bit of a struggle even with it being a community college. The workload was pretty overwhelming this semester mainly because I took six classes. I'm an aggressive person that tries to get things done when I'm unhappy where I'm at. Its never fun to be unhappy for almost a full year but you just get through it with hard work and things outside of school. I'm pretty hesitant so I can't say I really made any new friends. A few cool people came along the way in my fall semester but other than that, it has been mostly me walking alone getting to places while witnessing stupidity nearly every day. It was less this semester because I have so much work to do that I don't have time to tweet about it or really laugh about it. I'm going to go through both semesters right now.

The fall semester tended to me more enjoyable because the workload was pretty light and I saw so much stupidity. In a speech class, I witnessed some of the biggest botches ever when it came to doing speeches. You had people freeze for about two minutes and start to shake which could be hard to watch, but I take pleasure in watching it because I'm just an evil human being sometimes. It was a struggle though because it was my first semester and I didn't take it as seriously as I should. That sounds pretty bad but like I would go out on weekdays without much of a problem. Tuesday nights would become drinking nights and even though I had off Wednesday, I had so much other things to do. It wasn't smart time management along with the fact that my sleep patterns are horrible. A few other memories from this semester had to be my economics teacher saying my name because he's really Italian and he's old. The guy is an absolute sweetheart even though he made the same "Santa Claus isn't going to give you a passing grade if you don't do your paper" joke at least ten times.  He would always try to attempt to say my full name but then literally said "screw it" after the second time. He gave me a B so it all worked out in the end. The other thing that stood out from fall semester had to be the roller coaster ride that was my English class. Ironically it was my best grade out of all my classes with a B+ but it was just so many random people. I'll never judge a guy's looks because I look at that as pretty lame. I'll make fun of your hair if I don't approve but looks please were guys here. As for girls on the other hand, well I can go on all day. It had to be the worst class of girls ever from anorexic black girls, overweight colombians, other heavy girls gulping down coffee and sandwiches every class. It was a pretty unstable environment but its English which means writing and I rule at that. This semester was easily the more interactive with people and I actually had to talk to people, thankfully that changed in the next semester because some people I talked to really became a head scratchers. They were these girls from like central American that would curse like every second and talk about how unfair things are. It would be literally every week and it made me wonder if I'm living in the 1950's when racial segregation was still high. I need a girlfriend to keep me positive during these rough times.

I've been more alone this semester but that doesn't seem to be a problem. The less that I talk to people about stupidity, the better that I function. You get those days where you're getting five hours of sleep and you're functioning like a zombie. That hurts even more when you have a math teacher who is literally the worst teacher ever with his unbearable Indian voice. I'm not being racist here because his Indian voice would be high pitched and you wouldn't understand a damn thing he said. I have nothing against Indian people at all but this guy is the absolute worst. He never helped you and would just continue to ramble on about his boring lectures. When you add that on to 8 in the morning, well then you set yourself up for true hell. That was easily the low point of my semester and it has felt worse than getting in the nuts by a woman with high heels on. I've been through some basic classes like English and Health where you just go with the flow and you'll get a high grade. Sociology has been another class that has been considered to be hell on earth. It's another case of having a teacher that doesn't have much of a clue what she's doing but add it on to annoying people in my class that don't know how to make a proper one line joke. I don't get how people can be class clowns in college but some just never learn even when their in the dumps in terms of colleges. It was only once a week but still I'm relieved that it will be over because it got painful from food drives to the nine straight awful joke in a row. My advice is don't be a class clown in college because you will look like the biggest tool on the planet. American History was pretty fun with an awesome teacher but the issue was that he lectured for far too long and I would fall asleep. It made me feel bad but things would get rough after forty minutes. He never saw me or anything and I personally liked the guys because he's one of those nerds that can relate to you. He proudly admitted he's a nerd and his favorite channel is Channel 13 so don't you dare judge! The last class that was easily the funnest was ping pong. I have no idea why but you have to take a gym. I took a class where I wouldn't sweat so much and didn't have to put so much energy into it. Ping Pong was the easiest choice but I was wrong about not putting energy. I would go up against some hard competition and go all out five rounds each going to 21. The class wasn't full of Asians either although that's the typical joke I get about it. It was pretty diverse and it was an absolute blast. It has definitely been a more enjoyable semester because the less things that make me shake which usually is heavily obese people that still eat bad, women who can't control their acne, or awful wardrobes have been limited. You get some bad ones once in a while, but you just put your head down and listen to your I-Touch. That's my method of doing it, I'll go write a book about it (sarcasm).

I'm not going to say that it has been all that fun because I rather be at Hofstra right now writing 5000 word papers and actually doing things that will be valuable in my life. Also I like to go on my free time and do sit-ups next to a few girls and wonder if she has any diseases (not nice!). I'm trying to make the best of it with hard work and trying to just ignore things. I think I'm doing pretty well so far but finals this week will make a huge difference. The phrase hard work pays off is something I'm heavily believing in and hopefully that will be the case in 2013.

 Playoff Madness
Before the 2nd round breakdown of the Western Conference, I'm going to quickly discuss my thoughts on Game 7. I got to see most of the Clippers vs Grizzles game while just long highlights of Nuggets vs Lakers (wedding hall didn't have a table, Ranger fans weren't happy). I'll also break down the Western Conference series to tell you what I think what's going to happen in the series and if I'm sticking with my prediction. I'm still going by my predictions before the playoffs in terms of ranking them, but I'm also going to give you what my heart thinks after watching Round 1. I'm only doing it for Western Conference because I did the Eastern conference already. I'm only going to briefly recap the two games because on Friday, I'll go fully into the playoffs in my Playoff Playout edition. Now for the disappointing Game 7's which featured little drama.

Move over Kobe, he's taking over L.A

3. Lakers vs 6. Nuggets-  It didn't surprise me to see the Lakers win Game 7 in a loud Staples Center. When a young and inexperience team comes into a place like the Staples Center for such a critical game, it won't end well. Nuggets hung in there which was impressive led by Ty Lawson who has been on point this series. I'm aware that he's going up against Ramon Sessions who can't defend a broom but Lawson really carried the load and was the catalyst for Denver. Other than Al Harrington and partially Aaron Afflalo, Denver didn't get any consistent productivity. Both teams were sloppy with poor shooting from everywhere, blocks coming rapidly, and second chances everywhere. The difference was Paul Gasol stepping up and the Lakers hitting open threes. They finally figured out the recipe to scoring on Denver when they double team Bynum. Denver was challenging the Lakers to hit outside shots and they finally did. Steve Blake was the random hero in this game with 19 points and playing big minutes for a bench that was doing little to nothing. Metta World Power made his triumphant return and made an impact like most expected. He shot poorly including taking eleven three pointers which isn't a smart idea but he played his usual exceptional defense. He forced Danilo Gallinari into shooting 1 for 9 which was huge in the game. It was also a great defensive effort in the paint by Bynum and Gasol stopping JaVale McGee to shoot 1 for 7. The same goes for Andre Miller who struggled from the field as well. Denver couldn't handle the pressure and things got even tougher when Pau Gasol finally played well in the playoffs. Gasol scored 23 points and had a 17 rebounds which is a monster game by his standards. The win didn't really surprise most but it had to be very nice to see Blake and Gasol step up the most for the Lakers. They didn't need a huge 38 point performance from Kobe to sneak by, it was an actual team effort.

4. Grizzles vs 5. Clippers- After a terrible Game 6 performance by the Clippers when they couldn't score with any sort of consistency, I was positive that Memphis would win in their home court with a loud arena. Instead it was Memphis that shot themselves in the foot with poor shooting once again and the Clippers switching up their game plan. They clogged the paint just like they did earlier in the series and challenged the Grizzles to shoot outside the paint and by the three point area. Memphis went 0 for 13 from down town and their shooters simply couldn't make plays. Mike Conley was frustrated all game with Chris Paul stepping up the intensity. O.J Mayo had a poor game once again and should be traded this off-season after another poor season altogether. Mayo has been a cancer to Memphis and turned into the J.R Smith of the West with some of his shooting performances in the playoffs. Other than Rudy Gay and Marc Gasol, Memphis struggled to get any offense. Gasol was getting frustrated by constant double teams after he exploded with twenty point games in the last two games. Randolph seemed out of it and could be another player that may not last in Memphis. I know Memphis was down 3-1 in the series but the fact that they couldn't win against a team that is basically a two man team with one of their top guys injured and at home is pretty bad. The Clippers didn't play much better in Game 7 with Reggie Evans not looking at the hoop at all anytime he got the ball. With Blake hurt and DeAndre Jordan riding the bench like he should be after regressing this bad, it was up to Evans and Kenyon Martin. Kenyon came up huge for the Cilppers and had a double double for his efforts. The Clippers bench came alive in this one which was huge with Young, Williams, and Bledsoe hitting some huge 4th quarter buckets. The bench scored the first twenty one points for the Cilppers in the 4th quarter. That's very impressive and it showed that the Cilppers can bring something to the table other than the main stars. It was the worst Game 7 in terms of performances but the Clippers will take it and their heavily criticized coach Vinny Del Negro. I had the Clippers winning in 7 in my original predictions so I take great pride in that one. Chris Paul doesn't lose in the first round unless he's alone like he was last year with the Hornets as a 7th seed. Paul struggled a bit but he still had a very productive game with 19 points 9 rebounds and 4 assists. He was the difference through out this series and proved how he's a top five player in this league.

 Conference Semifinal Quick Thoughts
I'm going to give more longer break downs on Friday but here are my thoughts on the four series along with if I'm sticking with my Western conference predictions. I already established that I'm taking Miami in 5 games (that's so not happening) and Boston in 6 games. 

This is awkward 

1. Spurs vs 5. Clippers-  This series won't last long and I'm easily going to change my original prediction that this series was going to go five games. This will be a clean sweep which is a shame because I really do think a Chris Paul led team doesn't get swept. The issue here is that the Spurs are well rested and balanced while the Clippers look deflated. It showed last night with the Spurs being all over them for the most part. Paul scored a measly six points and shockingly didn't get to the free throw line once. That's how you know you have a great defense when Chris Paul doesn't get to the free throw line once even if he plays 38 minutes. It was positive to see Blake have a decent game and Caron Butler reminding us that he's still around after being invisible in the Grizzles series. It seemed like Paul and Parker cancelled each other out with Parker playing even worse going 1 for 7.  It didn't matter though because Tim Duncan had an outstanding game with 26 points and 10 rebounds. Duncan was taking anything that the Cilppers offered him and he got whatever he wanted. From baby hooks to short jumpers to attacking the basket, Duncan was unstoppable. When he needed a lift, he got 22 from Manu Ginobili who probably enjoyed the rest more than anyone with his injury issues. A fresh and healthy Ginobili makes the Spurs even more unstoppable. The bench wasn't that valuable other than Ginobili but Spurs got solid efforts out of young players like Danny Green and Kawhi Leonard both scoring in double figures. Its how the system makes these players so good will be one of the many differences in this series. The only young player that can deliver like that is Eric Bledsoe who had a monster game. Bledsoe could be an x-factor in this series. He may lack a jump shot but he can get into the lane at a Chris Paul rate. His speed is a difference maker even though I still don't think it will be enough for the Clippers to win a game in this series. Spurs are too good at the moment while the Clippers are fatigued and are too limited to do much. Even with a strong defensive plan, they seem too flawed offensively once Paul gets double teamed to do much. Spurs will sweep them and coast into the next round. 

2. Thunder vs 3. Lakers-  My first reaction to when the series was finally made was that the Thunder would win in 6 games. That was my original prediction before the playoffs started and I'm sticking with it.  That looks like a shady pick after the Game 1 massacre that the Thunder left on the Lakers. The game was close within the first half but a quick scoring outburst from Durant separated the game. Metta World Power couldn't stop Durant the entire night with Durant making quick work on his short jumpers. On the other matchup where they actually put Kobe Bryant, not Ramon Sessions against Russell Westbrook on numerous occasions. It was no contest with Westbrook consistently blowing Bryant away and going on with a highly efficient game. Westbrook shot 10 for 15 for 27 points with 9 rebounds and 7 assists. Oklahoma City had their big run in the third quarter where they were up by 30 at one point. It was a major scoring outburst from either Westbrook or Durant or even James Harden, it was just mistake free basketball. They turned the ball over just four times which is remarkable while the Lakers turned it over fifteen times. They got nice games out of Gasol and Bynum but they didn't make any impact on the defensive end with only one block between each other. The Lakers just looked tired which shouldn't surprise anyone coming off a Game 7 on Saturday. Ramon Sessions looked awful again and Lakers may consider benching him because he's going to struggle in this series again. I don't think the Lakers are completely hopeless yet like a few people seem but they're going to need at least a strong performance in Game 2 to garner hope. I don't think they can win on the road but at least get some momentum before the series heads to the Staples Center. I'm expecting Mike Brown to think of some defensive scheme to frustrate Westbrook because if they can't stop them, then the Lakers will get swept just like last year. 

2. Heat vs 3. Pacers-  A very odd series that nobody predicted. The series has hit a huge standpoint with Chris Bosh likely out for the entire series. This is a huge loss for Miami because they lack an inside scorer presence more than ever. They could have got away with this against the Knicks but not a solid team like Indiana which doesn't have a flaw in there starting lineup for the most part. Miami got away with a win in Game 1 thanks to LeBron James completely taking over while Miami's defense really flustered Indiana. They couldn't get away with another poor shooting performance which happened tonight. I'm typing this series break down in anger as a Heat fan because it was so sad. They paid good money for guys like Mike Miller and James Jones (2008 they did for my actual Heat fans, not ones that jumped on in 2010) to hit open jump shots. They didn't do that once again and that has to frustrate James and Wade. I'm also going to blame Mario Chalmers who hasn't played well in the playoffs since Game 3 against the Knicks. After a very promising regular season and playing with plenty of confidence, Chalmers is rushing things and hasn't shot well from three like he used to. After being a guy that lives up to the pressure in crunch time (he won me 80 dollars in 2008 for Kansas), he misses another good look to lose the game. Indiana clearly deserved to win last night but the fact that Miami can't hit outside shots infuriates me. They get good looks because of their two main stars and how they good are. Udonis Haslem looks useless offensively right now and it may be his last year which is a shame. I'm a big Haslem fan for years because he's a Heat veteran and he's been such a solid role player, but his jump shot isn't there anymore and he's not the same player defensively. Miami is in deep trouble because Indiana knows how to beat Miami now regardless of how poor there shooting. I'm sure they are going to do all they can to use Roy Hibbert more and try to get Danny Granger better looks offensively. They have to be pleased with their most valuable player right now in David West who has been solid in both games. This series is going to get really interesting and that should excite everyone unless you're a Heat fan. I got faith that Miami will win this series but I'm not fully confident because Bosh looked missed in a big way. I'm missing some of the game on Thursday due to work, hopefully they can do good without out me which they tend to do. I already typed way to long, consider this a mini rant. 

4. Celtics vs 8. Sixers- I'll admit I haven't seen much of this series due to weddings, work, and Paul Heyman being awesome. I'm thankful for the highlights being provided to me along with the stats so I know what I'm working with. I'll be watching Game 3 tomorrow which will leave a huge mark on the series. If the Celtics win, then the Sixers are in must win mode in Game 4. If the Sixers win, then Sixers are in a great position to pull another upset in the series. What really interests me about this series is how each game has ended with a one point difference. In Game 1, we saw Philadelphia really control most of the game with a great mix between Andre Igoudala and Evan Turner. They were getting what they want in the paint since the Celtics don't have much of a presence down low other than Kevin Garnett. Eventually the 2nd half intensity stepped up for Boston which was led by Garnett. It was another great performance by the MVP of the playoffs so far with 29 points and 11 rebounds. Garnett is just on another level right now and couldn't be contained through out the night. With just about everyone else struggling with their shot and Rondo not getting much penetration into the paint, it was Garnett's night to explode. He did that along with Rondo pulling off another triple double just like he usually does when he's asked to slow down the game. Boston slipped past Game 1 after almost losing their lead in the end. Boston's three point shooting was one stat that really stood out going 2 for 18 which is shocking when you have shooters like Allen and Pierce on your team. Game 2 was another close game with the Sixers pulling it out thanks to a 3rd quarter outburst. Once again the Celtics couldn't really hit their offensive groove with Pierce having another tough night and Rondo shooting poorly despite 13 assists. They got a great lift from Ray Allen off the bench but Boston's lack of depth is hurting a bit. They don't have enough scoring options even with the latest dominant games from Garnett. Garnett was solid again but didn't explode because he only took 12 shots. He also didn't get to the line like he usually does which hurt his stats. Boston has to be frustrated that they couldn't give him the ball more along with getting out rebounded by 11. Philadelphia played harder in this one and deserved the win with their effort led by Jrue Holiday. I still like Boston in six games in the series but Boston needs to rebound better and Paul Pierce needs to get going tonight even with that troublesome knee injury. If Pierce can't going, the magical run of Philadelphia could continue. 

Final Word/Plugs
With four finals left to go. I'll be in mostly work mode and I'll watch my basketball from time to time. School just needs to end because it's becoming a serious burden. I'll be back Friday with the usual basketball talk and an actual preview about the Champions League final. I'm a huge soccer fan like you have seen even though I've calmed down recently. I'm still into it and involved with it, so I'll be predicting and previewing the Bayern Munich vs Chelsea clash. That's about all for Friday since I got finals to deal with and Friday is usually sports day. I wish you a good day and I'll be back Friday.

Twitter: @AllenOutraged


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