Friday, May 18, 2012

Playoff Playout (European Special) Pt 3

I'm in the middle of finals week and it has been pretty good so far. It hasn't been that big of a workload but that changes Monday night preparing for American History. I can't remember the last time I had free time in a day where I wasn't going on a schedule. That's going to be the best thing when Tuesday night hits. Summer is coming up and I'm totally excited for it. I'm not going to ramble about summer yet that will be for another week when news is slow and by news mostly sports or personal experiences. I'm not going to bore you with politics until the election comes around. I'm here to entertain through sports but also with a movie review. At the end of all the sports I talk about, I'm going to give a movie review which is rare because I don't go to movies. I'm not cheap or anything like that, it's just that movies are becoming lame and stale that nothing grasps my attention. The last movie I saw at a movie theater was Harold and Kumar Christmas Special which was pretty good. After seeing duds like Hangover 2 (worst sequel ever) and Paranormal Activity 3 (fell asleep, woke up and never got scared). Even though I think it was the worst out of the Harold and Kumar special, it was still pretty enjoyable. The only thing I hated was how they had to make a scene that made no sense with Santa Claus. It seemed too childish in the end but it had a good feel to it. Kumar being the dead beat loser and Harold being the successful lame business man. It was a great mix and for some reason, it always makes me feel determined to do something. I'm not sure why but those guys always make me want to do something that will make me feel proud. It usually involves women or drinking so what do you know? Anyway it was a decent flick nothing to rave about but it was a nice feel good move. Now the White Castle and Guantanamo Bay movies featuring Harold and Kumar were absolutely terrific. That is must watch movies for people that are in dire need of comedy or you can read this blog too.

Anyway today's topics will be the usual Friday basketball news. I'll admit I haven't seen a lot lately with the Thunder vs Lakers game being the only game I've seen fully. With finals, work, and movies to watch it has been tough. I've managed to see the full highlights and see statistics also hearing the opinion of the true basketball genius in Bill Simmons to garner the information for today's edition. I'm also going to get into the Champions League final between Bayern Munich and Chelsea. Soccer has been limited for the most part because my interest is declining which angers people mainly Croatians. I don't know what to say other than I'll be all soccer when June 8th hits and the Euro Cup begins. I'm angered by Manchester City winning the league though because now it shows that with a billion dollars, you can finally win. People may hate Manchester United (even I do to a degree) but I respect them so much and how they haven't really spent that much lately to succeed. They also have players that have played there for over five years compared to Manchester City where I think their long tenured player is Vincent Kompany for four years. Manchester United has pride and a strong fan base even though the bandwagon can get annoying for them but nothing is worse than City winning it. I'll get into the preview of the Champions League final after basketball until then its time for some hoops.

Western Conference Semifinals
Durant continues to run the court.

1. Spurs vs 5. Clippers-  The series is going just like I expected with the Spurs being too much for the flawed Clippers. I only got to see the 4th quarter live but I just saw highlights and heard Chris Brossard talk about the game. I'm a fan of Chris even though his voice can get annoying. The most impressive thing that came away from this game had to be how Chris Paul only took nine shots the entire game. Paul is a very intelligent player and rarely forces up consecutive bad shots. This just goes to tell you that the Spurs defense is elite and Paul couldn't get anything going. He was flustered the entire game which explains his eight turnovers which really hurt the team. It was shocking to see how efficient the Clippers were from the field shooting 49 percent and from three point range at 69 percent yet still lost by 17. Its pretty absurd but that's what happens when your defense collapses and you turn the ball over 18 times. The Clippers bench had their moments with Young, Williams, and Bledsoe hitting some shots but they were quickly negated by the tough Spurs defense. They were led by Tony Parker who scored 22 while controlling the pace of the game. When the Spurs play their best, it usually is by Parker running the floor and finding the open man. Spurs hit ten threes tonight and Parker was a big reason why finding the open man. Tim Duncan had a strong game and has been really good in the playoffs even though it hasn't been on a Kevin Garnett level. Duncan had a nice shooting game going 9-14 with 18 points and showing the young Clippers front court how fluid his game is. A huge boost for the Spurs was Boris Diaw who has been a nice pickup scoring 14 points on perfect shooting. Diaw can be an x-factor with his dribbling ability and jump shot. He's a bit heavier version of Lamar Odom but he's much more controllable and plays within the team's limits. I'm not sure what the Clippers can do because they are normally a good defensive team but the Spurs have so many weapons. They shot the ball well yet turnovers just hurt the team and taking too much time off the shot clock. Another shocking stat was how does Blake Griffin only get one rebound in 37 minutes of action? I love Blake and I'm sure he'll develop into a bigger star than he is now, but he's been criticized a lot lately for the right seasons. How can someone with his mass and athletic ability only get one rebound? The Clippers are still the oddest team in the league even if there winning.

Future Of The Series- I'm not sure if there is any proof on how the Clippers can win a game. Even with a loud crowd, the Spurs are simply on another level right now and have too many contributors. The Spurs are also a bit undersized which doesn't help a team against the Spurs who like to operate in the paint. I'm sticking with the sweep pick especially with Duncan playing at such a high level. He continues to out play Blake Griffin and that goes a long way in winning this series.

2. Thunder vs 3. Lakers-  After Game 1's debacle, I was really excited to watch a full game between both teams. The Lakers weren't going to get blown out two games in a row because they're simply to talented. Sadly it was another game where both teams couldn't score which made it difficult to watch. I love great defensive teams but when both teams are so star studded, how can't you at least score 80 points? It was a chess match for the entire game where stars of both teams struggled to shoot. Russell Westbrook couldn't get going because the Lakers stayed in tight and didn't give him to maneuver in the paint. Westbrook's game relies on driving to the paint but the Lakers clogged it and challenged him into difficult shots that were misses more times than not. Westbrook also became hesitant to pass to the outside because the Lakers rotating defense was on point and Thunder shot poorly from the three point line. The Lakers were far worse though like they have been most of the series shooting a lowly 2-16 from three point range. The shooting magic from Steve Blake disappeared after Game 7 versus Denver to a 1-5 disaster in this one. Blake rushed several shots including a three pointer that could have won them the game. It was a botched play that was supposed to go to Kobe but ended it up with Steve Blake and he had to shoot with just 3 seconds left in the game. It was a disaster for the Lakers who despite the awful shooting was up seven points with two minutes left. Lakers began to rush offensively which led to easy points for Durant and Harden. Kobe Bryant was struggling all night shooting 9 for 25 but had a huge turnover and a blocked shot in the last two minutes that gave the Thunder some easy points. Kobe missed another shot at the end which led to the Thunder's last bucket with Durant hitting a mid range shot. It was the battle between superstars near the end and Durant showed why he's the best pure scorer in the league (scorer not playmaker folks). Durant shot 9-15 in a game where nobody was shooting well which was impressive. Other than Pau Gasol who had another solid game, nobody on Lakers really shot well with Metta World Power struggling all night, Sessions being a non factor, and Bynum playing really sloppy for most of the game. He needed to take nineteen shots to get 20 points which isn't very efficient. Lakers needed this win after going up with two minutes left by seven. It was the prime opportunity and they lost a critical game. I felt that they just needed to get a nice performance in but that was stupid on my part. If they lose one game at the Staples Center, this series is basically over. Oklahoma City continues to show how fast they are and how disciplined they are defensively. The jump shot isn't always going to fall but this team is scary even when they win games that they might haven't deserved. 

Future Of The Series:  I'm expecting the Lakers to come back stronger though even with a dejected Bryant and Mike Brown who still doesn't seem like he knows what to do with this team. Lakers are too good to be swept even though I said that last year. I just feel like they had the Thunder where they wanted them but forgot to finish the job. If they can continue to play defense like that and they could get Kobe back to hitting that mid range jumper, this series isn't over. I'm expecting the Lakers to rebound strong which not many people will agree with Oklahoma City tends to struggle against the best teams on the road. I still consider the Lakers a very good team despite all the problems in the playoffs and they'll show in the next two games. The series will stretch to six still when the Lakers really run out of steam with their old core and Oklahoma City realizes that they need to drive to the paint more and pass more efficiently to the open man.

Eastern Conference Semifinals
The fallen superstars that make me feel dead inside.

2. Heat vs 3. Pacers-  The series continues to become more odd and that's mainly because of the domination Indiana left Miami. This is becoming scary because Indiana finally got their offensive consistency back. Since I'll be doing my 2nd straight rant about the Heat, I'll talk about the positivity in Indiana. Roy Hibbert is really starting to come along as a true all around center. He was dominant last night with 19 points and 18 rebounds. Those numbers are pretty scary even though he's going against a Heat team that has a bunch of past their prime or should be unemployed big man core. I don't see one Heat big man that is worthy right now of a playoff spot well expect Joel Anthony as a tenth man. I'm a big Udonis Haslem fan but he's been ineffective all season and may be useless for the rest of the playoffs. George Hill had another solid game and he's proving that he's been a steal for all these years ever since he was on the Spurs. Hill isn't your typical point guard due to being a bit tall but he can get the job done. He has great range and is an excellent ball handler. Everything clicked for the Pacers shooting over 50 percent from three pointers and controlling the paint the entire game. Miami is in complete disarray and could be one loss away from having their season ended. I can't remember the last time Dwayne Wade having such a horrible three game stretch and I'm still in awe how Miami spent to get sharp shooters to hit threes yet they can't. Shane Battier is a terrific defender but he can't score at all right now. Mike Miller has been a frustrating signing while James Jones only knows how to shoot and he can't even do that right now. I had a feeling the loss of Bosh would hurt this time but to get blown out like this is very alarming. Wade needs to find his mojo back while the role players need to start scoring when they get the opportunity. It was a pitiful performance last night by Miami and Game 4 could be a difference maker whether this series will be competitive. LeBron James has done all he can so far despite the missed free throws. You can't blame him unless your Skip Bayless and your stupid (should be unemployed as well). Indiana is playing team basketball right now similar to Dallas and that will prevail unless Miami's role players and Dwayne Wade start stepping up.

Future Of The Series-  I'm going to get a lot of grief for this because I'm a Heat fan and fans will hate me but I can't see Miami winning this series. This season that has been shortened because of that jack*** David Stern has really took a toll on guys like Wade. He looks drained and I don't think he'll be able to bounce back. He may have one big game in Game 5 at home, but right now I see Indiana winning in six. It really breaks my heart but without Bosh, this team looks hopeless against a young Pacers team that doesn't seem to have many flaws. Pacers win in 6 with better performances from George and Granger just to rub it in Miami's faces. 

4. Celtics vs 8. 76ers-  I'm positive that nobody thought the 76ers would put on a terrible performance after a huge Game 2 win. It seemed like they were playing with a lot of confidence and were ready to use that home court to their advantage especially with Paul Pierce out. The exact opposite happened and 76ers looked flat. After an incredible 1st quarter where the 76ers couldn't seem to miss, they ended up getting outscored in the 2nd and 3rd quarter by 28 points. It started out promising for the main core of the 76ers rotation but eventually players like Turner and Hawes started missing on a consistent basis.  They combined for 3-18 shooting along with a poor defensive effort. They allowed the Celtics to shoot 51 percent despite not turning the ball over much or getting out rebounded. It was just a simple case of getting beaten mistake free and simply not being good enough. Other than Jrue Holiday who continues to play well, nobody showed up for this one. Thaddeus Young scored most of his points in garbage time while Iguodala was the focal point of Boston's defensive dominance. They were all over him and they never allowed him to get any penetration to the hoop. They challenged players like Turner and Hawes to beat them one on one which failed miserably. Boston was in control for the most part led by Kevin Garnett who continues his run as the MVP of the playoffs so far. I'm sure people will say LeBron or Durant have performed at an MVP caliber pace in the playoffs but I haven't seen them stay this consistent like Garnett has. The last Garnett had an average game was Game 2 against the Hawks which is an incredible streak. Garnett had 27 points and 13 rebounds last night with an efficient shooting night going 12-17. Andrew Bynum needs 19 shots to get 20 points while Garnett only needs 17. Efficiency is huge in any sport you play in especially basketball and Garnett shows how important it is. With Garnett's incredible numbers, Boston continues to win for the most part. It was mainly Garnett and Rondo who needs to continue to shoot like this. Rondo has been hot and cold with his shot selection being caught in taking too many tough floaters in the paint. He needs to pick his spots better because we already know he is an elite passer. Celtics got through another night of poor shooting from Paul Pierce even though it might help his confidence getting to the free throw line 14 times. Pierce still shot only 6-17 and it has to be a concern for Boston because they will need him down the stretch. I'm not sure how much longer Garnett can keep this pace although I've been saying that for a week now. All I know is that Pierce needs to get his jump shot going again and his usual mean streak in the playoffs or basically watch his Game 2 performance against the Hawks and that says it all.

Future Of The Series-  The series is far from over even after that blowout. I'm sure that Philadelphia will bounce back and win Game 4 after some adjustments. I'm still believing that this series will end in 6 with Boston taking the last two games including ending Philadelphia's season away from home. Pierce will get healthy soon enough after that bad knee and I'm expecting Avery Bradley to contribute more. He's been playing excellent defense but he hasn't played well offensively in the playoffs. Both teams will battle hard and there will be some more terrific games coming from this series but Boston is more experienced and has more of that killer edge which will lead them to winning the series 4 to 2.

Champions League Final
Croatian has awesome pictures.

I'm still a pretty big soccer fan even though I'm hesitant to talk about it at times. I'm a bit annoyed that I forgot to talk about it on Wednesday but the time has come now. For those wondering who I support out of the clubs well that's none other than Tottenham Hotspur. I'll admit that I fell in love with the team when the Croatian connection was formed with Modric, Corluka, then a year later Niko Kranjcar. I've been a firm supporter ever since then which has led to plenty of high points but some low points which you would expect from a team that doesn't really strike you as an elite team. They are just very good at moving the ball and playing at an efficient pace. The Champions League final means the world to them because a Bayern Munich win means that they'll take part in the Champions League next year. If Chelsea wins, then they'll miss Champions League and could watch stars like Modric and Gareth Bale head elsewhere. I'm happy that Spurs finished 4th despite a late season collapse. They are just in a tough spot because nobody expected Chelsea to make a run like this after playing so poorly in the domestic league this year. They have been very poor yet they toppled champions Barcelona where nobody saw it coming. I'm happy that the final won't be Barcelona vs Real Madrid because those games are getting stale. The star power is huge for those games but I'm getting bored by the same thing over and over again. I got great respect for both teams but I'm bored by the rivalry and I'm happy for a different game. We got two fresh teams ready for a new matchup that should be fun. 

The game has taken a hit with a combined seven players missing the game due to suspensions. Chelsea gets hit much harder than Munich with absences of captain John Terry, solid defender Branislav Ivanovic, and steady central midfielders in Ramires and Raul Miereles. The four players are key parts to the team and play big roles when they're clean to play. Ramires has stepped it up recently and Terry is well known for his hard work and leadership (also his tendency to be an absolute a**clown). Munich is going to miss three players but mostly from their defensive rotation with Holger Badstuber and David Alaba missing out which could be crucial for Munich's defense. They will also miss starting defensive midfielder Luiz Gustavo who usually keeps the midfield clean and really held things together when Munich upset Real Madrid. Munich will still have their fire power led by Mario Gomez but will have stars like Robben, Muller, and Ribery ready to go. I'm not sure if Muller will start because of Gomez but I wouldn't be surprised to see him make an appearance. Munich will have far too much offense for Chelsea to handle in this one. Chelsea will be getting David Luiz and Gary Cahill which is huge because without them, they wouldn't stand a chance. It boosts their odds but I don't like Chelsea's chances of controlling the midfield. They don't have much dribblers in their midfielders and guys that can put in a good tackle. I'm not sure who is going to contain Munich's stars from dribbling and passing wild to create great opportunities to score. Munich's defense is lacking as well but they have the midfield to negate their defensive problems. Both teams have excellent goalies in Petr Cech for Chelsea and Manuel Neuer for Bayern so that will lead to some impressive saves that you wouldn't expect out of most goalies. I'm just not convinced that Chelsea can get more chances than Munich which will be the difference. Chelsea will get over run in the midfield which leads to plenty of shots for Bayern and they won't be stopped here. I'm going with a 3-1 victory for Munich with two goals from Gomez and one goal from Robben. Robben is going up against his old team here which should be fun to watch. He was very injury prone when he played for them and will look for revenge after being mis used even when healthy. Chelsea will cut the lead to 2-1 with a goal from Juan Mata who has been a top signing this year. He could give Munich some serious problems with his pace and technical ability. If Munich was smart, they align Phillip Lahm to wherever Mata is dribbling at. I'm pretty sure that Munich will win though and they'll be crowned champions will be great. Tottenham will get in Champions League and everything is good in the world.

One last note about the Champions League final is that I'll be watching it at Scorpio's Bar in Astoria, New York. I've talked about the place before and how much I love it since it's my home for Croatia's qualifying games and Euro 2012. I'll be with the guy that I did the show with on Saturday and the co-creator of Denis Svircic. It should be a blast with hopefully a great crowd of Croatians and plenty of drinks. I'm going to need a big lunch because I know whenever I go there, I'm going to be drinking pretty heavily. I'm going wear a Spurs jersey because I don't have any Bayern attire and I'm hoping the best for my favorite team which is to get the champions league spot. One final prediction for the game is about if any Croatians make an appearance? Danijel Pranjic and Ivica Olic play for Munich but are mostly bench players. They have a chance to play especially Pranjic who is a defender and Munich is lacking in defense. I'm going to say Pranjic makes an appearance in the 72nd minute to shore up Munich in the defense while Olic will ride the bench because Munich is simply too good. I'm happy I made that prediction otherwise Croatians would give me so much grief for not mentioning it.

The Dictator Review
I'm a huge Sasha Barea Cohen so usually I watch whatever he puts out. We all remember Borat and how awesome it was with its stupidity. It was never ending but it was so creative. Then we had Bruno which was pretty flat because of the constant nudity involving mostly penis. If it involved women, then you wouldn't hear me complain but it got out of hand with seeing a penis every ten minutes. I took the chance of seeing The Dictator with Sasha Barea Cohen playing the role as an extreme dictator that has no sympathy for people. It was a pretty good idea since he's mastered the European accent and he could do brilliant with this role. He gets to play the clueless innocent that thinks he's higher than everyone else which is always entertaining. I'm not doing a full review here because my time is limited and you can go on legit movie reviews websites to see for yourself. I'm giving you my opinion on it and that is all. 

The movie was a bit shaky at best because of the storyline and way too much stupidity. I love stupid comedy and I don't mind all racist commentary because some of it is legit hilarious but this movie went over the line. It had some really ridiculous parts that made me cringe watching it was when they were delivering a random's girl baby and his hand along with his new lover had their hands stuck in a woman's vagina. It just made no sense and it was ugly to watch. I did enjoy all the references towards crazy dictators from the past which made it a bit more real. He was framed and needed to get his role back after his people got rid of him on purpose. The story went from controlling his own country to falling in love with a girl that had the hair style resembling Steve Nash. It was a pretty awkward story and the ending just made me wonder "thats it"? I'm not saying it was horrible because it had some parts that were legit hilarious but it came off negative in the end. The love story made it look generic and the jokes got so stupid to a point where my head almost exploded. The movie depends on how tolerant you are and if you aren't then don't watch it. It could get really stupid which is why I'm not really recommending this to you. Everyone has their taste in humor and this one lacked in much creativity. I did enjoy the references to past commanders that controlled countries but eventually faded away. My verdict of the movie is if you want to get some nice laughs, then go ahead and watch it. If you don't want to then you can ignore it and go on with your life. I'm still a big Sasha Barea Cohen fan despite the lackluster film because Borat was pure genius and his TV show as Ali Singh was pretty brilliant. If you're looking for a specific interesting story or crazy angle well this movie isn't really for you. I'm in the middle with this movie because it had shades of brilliance but a lot of unnecessary parts where it goes too long and l'm not a fan of love stories. That is my mini review since I don't like spoiling things that much since it pretty much just came out and I've spoken a lot which might turn people off.

Someone's going to die or deported to New York (spoilers!) 

Final Word/ Plugs
A lot was discussed today due to how much is going on. I'm going to be swamped into finals the next few days even though I'll still catch my basketball on weekends. Tuesday is the day I'm free and it will be great to finally be done. I know I didn't cover a few things such as Over The Limit, but I'm not expecting much from the show. All I'm asking is to give CM Punk and Daniel Bryan at least 25 minutes and everyone will be satisfied. I want to give a quick update on schedule this summer that I'm probably going to be switching up a bit. It won't stay to Wednesday and Friday always especially with the Euro Cup going on. When I'm doing my Euro Cup preview, I'll tell you the schedule on how I'm blogging it. I'm pumped for it even though I expect some serious heart break. Then again, its great to finally have a team (Croatia) with little expectations so I don't have to feel so pressured. They can't underachieve like my Falcons or Heat because the bar is so small on them due to a tough group and how much they struggled in qualifiers. It should be fun until then, I'll be back Wednesday though again. Schedule won't be changing until Euro Cup starts which is June 8th. I hope you have a good day and if your done with finals, well I envy your life.

Twitter: @AllenOutraged


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